Guitarist | Berta Rojas |
Composer | Several |
Type | Classic |
Berta Rojas
«From the first track with instruments from a landfill to a final track of celebration, Salsa Roja is a portrayal of life and love. Above poverty, above loneliness, above sadness, love and music and the love of music carries on in a dance without end»
Raul da Gama
Edín Solís
1. Tambito josefino* - Tambito from San Jose
2. Calle del viento - Street of the Wind
Vincent Lindsey-Clark
Fiesta Americana
3. Galopa
4. Salsa Roja
5. El vuelo de la mariposa - The Flight of the Butterfly
6. Fiesta finale
Julio César Oliva
7. Vengo a decirte que te quiero - I’ve Come to Tell You I Love You
8. Variaciones sobre una canción de cuna "Duérmete mi niño" - Variations on a Lullaby "Go to Sleep My Child"
9. Aparición – Appearance
10.Te contemplo desde mi ventana - I Gaze Upon You from My Window
11. Obsesión - Obsession
Quique Sinesi
12. Danza sin fin - Endless Dance