Science and Method in Guitar Technique

Precio     36,00 €
Ficha técnica
Type     Guitar solo
Author     Jorge Cardoso


Science and Method in Guitar Technique

Jorge Cardoso

Standard notation

Book: 210 pages

Languages: English, Spanish

This book came first in an exhaustive historical comparative survey published in the prestigious French magazine " Les Cahiers de la Guitare ". Written in 1973, it revolutionised musicians' approach to instrumental technique. Underpinned by solid, current scientific evidence and the most efficient guitar experience gleaned from the history of the instrument and long-forgotten traditions, it takes an in-depth look at how we can develop an infinite range of fine skills on the instrument. Since its publication this book has been used as a tool for technical development and training, as a classic reference work for numerous treatises on other instruments and in the prevention of work-related illnesses and problems common among players.