Fernando Sor - The Complete Studies for Guitar

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Composer     Fernando Sor
Type     Guitar


Fernando Sor - The Complete Studies for Guitar


Fernando Sor (1778-1839)
Historical Notes by Matanya Ophee 

Book: 199 pages

Language: English

Standard notation.

The present edition of Sor's didactic pieces takes a different approach to that taken by other editions even recent ones. In preparing the material for publication, Chanterelle strove to maintain a close adherence to the composer's own statements regarding the pieces as they appear in his various writings. At the same time, each individual reference was evaluated against other available historical evidence to determine the extent to which it truly represents Sor's applied technique, the way he actually performed these pieces himself. Opp.6, 12, 29, 31, 35, 44 & 60, with Historical Notes, Full Commentary, Thematic Index, and Playing Suggestions.


- Read Me First 
- Introduction 
- 12 Studies op.6 (Nos.1-12) 
- Douze Etudes op.29 (Nos 13-24 continuation of op.6) 
- Ving Quatre Leçons Progressives op.31 
- Vingt Quatre Exercices Très Faciles op.35 
- Vingt Quatre Petites Pièces Progressives op.44 
- Introduction à l’Etude de la Guitare op.60 
- Excerpts from Methode for the Spanish Guitar 
- Playing Suggestions 
- Commentary 
- Appendix