Agenda of events

Paulina Orozco - Guitar Concert

Guitar Concert
Paulina Orozco Hernández

The Guadalajara-born guitarist, with over 20 years of experience, completed her academic training at the University of Guadalajara, where she earned the title of "Professional in Music" in 2008, the licence of "Bachelor’s degree in Music with a focus on Performance" in 2013, and the "Master’s in Education and Expression for the Arts" in 2016. She was awarded the CREES prize as the best student and the highest GPA in her generation at all educational levels. She has taken advanced courses with renowned musicians such as Javier Hinojosa, René Izquierdo, José Miguel Moreno, Pablo Márquez, Cristina Azuma, Raphaella Smits, among others.

As an educator, she has taught at the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (UACJ) and at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO). She is also currently a faculty member in the Department of Music at the University of Guadalajara, where she has been teaching the Classical Guitar course for above 12 years.

She received recognition from FONCA and has twice been awarded the "Stimulus for Creation and Artistic Development" from PECDA Jalisco: in 2020 for "Musical Beauty in Six Strings," for which she has a recorded album, and in 2024 for "Colors of Jalisco, Mexico, and the World in Six Strings." She recently participated in the collaborative album “Somente mulheres”, released in Brazil. As a soloist, she has performed at guitar festivals throughout Mexico, as well as in France and Spain.


Lily Afshar (1960-2023)/ Irán

Máximo Diego Pujol (1957) /Argentina
Verde alma
Sol de Marzo

Martín Pedreira (1952) / Cuba
Música para David N. X

Simone Iannarelli (1970) Italia
America Coffee
L´Ultimo Caffe´ Insieme
Ritorno (Sulla via del Caffé)

Paul Desmond (1924-1977) E.U.A
Take Five

Paulina Orozco (1987) / México
Colores balladi
II Bocetos sonoros
II.- Nostalgia

Start:              20:30h
Address:        Guitarras de Luthier
Price:             10 €

Purchase Tickets: Tickets