Strings attached - Vol 1 Pablo San Nicasio

Price     22,00 €
Type     Guitar
Author     Paolo San Nicasio


Strings attached - Vol 1

Pablo San Nicasio


Book: 206 pages

Language: Spanish.


This two volume work represents the largest collection of master contemporary flamenco guitarists made thus far. Compiled from the perspective of a guitarist and journalist with the aim of revealing many of each guitarist’s secrets, personal experiences and views on the profession; the musical and sociological journey that "In the Dock” puts forth results in an intimate portrait of the profession of the flamenco guitarist.


This volume includes interviews with Serranito, Manolo Sanlúcar, Tomatito. Gerardo Núñez… and recovers pieces of incalculable journalistic value, including two interviews of Paco de Lucía from 1971 and 1986. One unedited and the other recovered from obscurity.


This work consists of a second volume in which you can read the secrets of Vicente Amigo, Cañizares, Riqueni, Josemi Carmona…and many others.