Agenda of events

Elena Ortega - Guitar Concert

Elena Ortega’s first encounter with the guitar was in Madrid where she was born and where she completed her studies. After graduating from the Madrid Royal Higher Conservatory of Music she completed a Master’s degree in Interpretation of the Classical Guitar in Seville. Later, inspired by a profound admiration for the Spanish repertoire and its affinity with music of popular origin she studied a Master’s degree in Soloist Interpretation of Spanish Music at the Katarina Gurska Higher School of Music in Madrid. Among others, she studied under Àlex Garrobé, Laura Verdugo del Rey, Iliana Matos, Gabriel Estarellas, Francisco Bernier, Zoran Dukic or Judicael Perroy. In addition, she has also attended to several courses and masterclass with David Russell, Leo Brouwer, Manuel Barrueco, Pepe Romero or Ricardo Gallén.

Her many solo performances in such renowned concert halls as the CentroCentro Cibeles, the Círculo de Bellas Artes, the Ateneo de Madrid or the Pabellón de Juventudes Musicales de Sevilla have always been resoundingly successful. She has also taken part in series and festivals inside and outside Spain such as ‘Sonidos del Alcázar’ in Seville, the International Guitar Festival “Andrés Segovia” in Madrid, the Mediterranean Guitar Festival in Barcelona, the Hanoi International Guitar Festival in Vietnam or the Guitar Festival of Guanacaste in Costa Rica. Elena has also performed as soloist with the Orquesta Sinfónica Ciudad de Getafe and with the Orquesta Athanor in Split (Croatia) where she interpreted the Aranjuez Concerto.

In addition to her busy professional life, she is keen to teach and encourage young guitarrists. She has collaborated in various educational projects such as the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Concierto de Aranjuez organised by the SGAE, the Escuela Popular de Madrid and the orquestra Camerata Musicalis. As a founder member of the International Guitar Festival of Madrid, an annual event that has been held since 2019, she has become interested in collaborating in the organisation of cultural events.

Recently, Elena won the InterContinental Music Award in 2023 in the ‘Best Instrumentalist’ Category with ‘Capricho Catalán’ by Isaac Albéniz, which is included in her first guitar album ‘Rumores del Mediterráneo. In addition, she has been selected to give a concert in the 2024/2025 season of the MusaE Project, organized by the Ministry of Culture, Acción Cultural Española and Juventudes Musicales de España.

• Mirándote – Eduardo Martín (1956)
• Capricho Árabe – Francisco Tárrega (1852 - 1909)
• Choro da Saudade – Agustín Barrios-Mangoré (1885 – 1944)
• Carta a Lucina – Juan Erena (1970)
• Serenata Española – Joaquín Malats (1872 – 1912)
• En los trigales – Joaquín Rodrigo (1901 - 1999)
• Rumores de la Caleta – Isaac Albéniz (1860 – 1909)
• Sonata op. 61 – Joaquín Turina (1882 – 1949)
  - Allegro
  - Andante
  - Allegro vivo
• Guajira – Emilio Pujol (1886 – 1980)

Start:              20:30h
Address:        Guitarras de Luthier
Price:             10 €