No more CITES
News published on 26/04/2019

No more CITES
It is official and efective since 26.11.2019
CITES will not be necessary for musical instruments
We are pleased to report that at the International Summit on CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), held in Geneva in August, it was decided to exclude finished musical instruments, as well as their accessories, from the limits indicated for Dalbergia wood. This implies the completation of the procedures required by Customs for the importation or exportation of these instruments made of woods such as Indiand rosewood, Madagascra rosewood, Cocobolo ... among others.
The exception applies to all Dalbergia species, except Brazilian rosewood (Dalbergia nigra), which remains in Appendix I of CITES and will continue to need CITES documentation.
This exemption from CITES regulations for rosewood is good news for anyone traveling with musical instruments made of Dalbergia and, of course, for all instrument manufacturers, musicians and fans around the world, since 26th of November'19, no CITES document will be needed for instruments built with Dalbergias.